Side Effects of Hair Transplant
After the hair transplant procedure is complete, the doctor will prescribe pain medication. During this phase of recovery, most people fall prey to the side effects of a hair transplant in Delhi . These are the top side effects that people should be aware of. 1. Scalp Bleeding Bleeding is one of the most common side effects of hair transplant. In rare cases, bleeding is a possible side effect of a hair transplant procedure. While some bleeding is possible, it can be easily corrected with simple measures. However, continued bleeding may require additional stitches. 2. Scalp Infections Other side effects of hair transplant include scalp infection. Infection from a hair transplant is rare, but it is still a potential side effect. However, it is one in a thousand cases in which an infection occurs. 3. Thinning hair around the circumference Hair thinning is again one of the most common side effects of hair transplant. This phenomenon, combined with hair loss, can occur soon afte...