Side Effects of Hair Transplant

After the hair transplant procedure is complete, the doctor will prescribe pain medication. During this phase of recovery, most people fall prey to the side effects of a hair transplant in Delhi

These are the top  side effects that people should be aware of.

1. Scalp Bleeding

Bleeding is one of the most common side effects of hair transplant. In rare cases, bleeding is a possible side effect of a hair transplant procedure. While some bleeding is possible, it can be easily corrected with simple measures. However, continued bleeding may require additional stitches.

2. Scalp Infections

Other side effects of hair transplant include scalp infection. Infection from a hair transplant is rare, but it is still a potential side effect. However, it is one in a thousand cases in which an infection occurs.

3. Thinning hair around the circumference

Hair thinning is again one of the most common side effects of hair transplant. This phenomenon, combined with hair loss, can occur soon after a successful operation. Even an unaffected area can be affected by this phenomenon. However, this act of recession is usually not permanent.

4. Itching

On average, at least three out of 10 patients experience an itchy scalp. Thus, itching is also one of the most common side effects of hair transplant. Although the intensity of itching can vary, the best option is to get it under control before it gets worse. A common cause of itchy scalp is scabs, which are easily removed with regular shampooing. If irritation does not subside the problem and increases beyond tolerance then a consultation with a specialist physician should be opted for. There are special moisturizing oils that help to cope with this problem.

5. Scarring

Scarring after transplant is also included in the list of side effects of hair transplant. There are some implant cases where people are more prone to scarring than others. Scarring is especially common when patients choose the hair strip method. With proper medical treatment, this is one of the side effects of hair transplant which can be easily treated.

6. Ulcers

Cysts are pimple-shaped bumps that rarely become cancerous. Cyst is also one of the major side effects of hair transplant. A patient may develop cysts if there is damage to the scalp due to the hair follicle being pushed deeper into the layers. Although they are easy to treat, cysts are not a matter of ignorance. Proper medical advice should be sought for the cyst.

7. Hiccups

In 5 out of 100 hair transplant cases, patients experience hiccups, which is one of the side effects of hair transplant. It's not clear why hiccups and hair transplant side effects are related, but once they start, hiccups can last for several days.

8. Pain

Although many surgeries result in pain after the procedure, this is also one of the side effects of hair transplant. When the pain intensifies, medications can soothe the problem, but in most cases the pain is quite tolerable. In most cases, the pain is a temporary side effect and goes away after a while.

9. Edema

Inflammation is one of the rare side effects of hair transplant. The most commonly affected areas are the forehead and eyes. While the swelling lasts for a few days on average, it can last longer in severe cases. 


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